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View Full Version : "It's not possible for it to come out and end up there..."

02-18-2010, 10:56 PM
No gross bloody pictures here...

... as some of you know from seeing me hobbling on crutches at First Frost, I had an ACL repair on my left knee at the end of November. I've had some intermittent intense pain for the last few weeks, and finally got it fixed today.

The ACL repair surgery involves taking two hamstring tendons (you have four) out of the body, twisting them together into a rope like structure, then putting the new tendon in to replace the ACL. The bottom end is held in with a screw below the knee (hole drilled into the tibia/shin bone.) The top end is held in with two surgical pins inserted into drilled holes in the outer femur/thigh bone.

So... somehow around the end of January one of these 1 2/3" pins made it out of the bone on the outside of my left knee, and migrated to the soft tissue of my inner medial thigh. This isn't the exact pin that came out of my knee ... that had to go to pathology. This is a brand new one he gave me as a souvenir.


Surgeon claims, that after checking the literature, I'm the first one that this has ever happened to.

Lucky me. Honestly, lucky.. it seems like the new graft has actually held with just the one remaining pin.

02-18-2010, 11:08 PM
Holy Moly... Imagine, the surgeon didn't believe you at first, and refused to look at it. I'm betting he's eatng crow now, and wondering if he should have listened.

Glad i worked out well.

02-19-2010, 12:09 AM
Not possible MY ASS.
[further commentary saved for Bancroft. ;)]

02-19-2010, 10:10 AM
Steve, you just have to expect problems like this if you move to a modified class.

02-19-2010, 12:28 PM
If this were the States, wouldn't you be getting a new STI out of the deal? (Or a similar monetary amount)

Glad you have got your knee sorted now.

02-19-2010, 03:41 PM
Trevor wrote:
Steve, you just have to expect problems like this if you move to a modified class.

:-D Well, one thing you can say about modified class.... it sure isn't boring! I guess I'm in D-Mod for life now...

dubya_rx wrote:
Glad you have got your knee sorted now.

Well, we hope. The nurse that checked me in for the November surgery was the same one that checked me in for this one. And she's just as sarcastic as I am. So as I was leaving, I said "See you again in about two months for the next one!"

There's still two other pieces of hardware that can come out. :roll:

02-19-2010, 04:17 PM
Steve normally when you mod things in your car you make them bigger, stronger, faster...but then they explode. Now it sounds like you're talking about "lefty & righty".

02-19-2010, 09:24 PM
So like, did it start poking out or anything? How did you know something was up?

02-19-2010, 10:27 PM
Occasional piercing pain after a day on my feet. But it was the "Deep Tissue Massage" that he prescribed (assuming my pain was just scar tissue without doing any tests, or even looking at my leg) that sent me through the roof.

For the last week, I was able to feel that sharp tip about 3 or 4mm below the skin. It was angled upwards at about a 70 degree angle to the skin (with skin being 270 / 90)

Ow. ;-)

MikeV wrote:

Steve normally when you mod things in your car you make them bigger, stronger, faster...but then they explode.

We'll see if we can at least get a green bone fracture out of it. Kind of like throwing a rod through the block.

02-21-2010, 09:24 PM
The medical impliments must be failed Toyota parts
