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View Full Version : MLWR 2011: Foray in the Forest

01-16-2011, 11:01 PM
The supps are up, registration is open, let the mayhem begin.
385 km. starting at 10 pm Feb 12, running until about 7 am Feb 13. Not for the timid.

Here's a bit of a look at the roads.

If you're interested in working the event (we'll keep you moving), please contact Bruce Leonard (contact info in the supp regs.)


This is one of those rallies where pre-registration order can give you an advantage. If you read the supp regs, they plan to put novices first on the road, and in order of received payment. They may reverse this decision, but it's often unwise to be the very first car on the road.

If you're intermediate or expert class, you're probably going to want to register ASAP. There will be fewer people polishing the road in front of you and creating ice. That lets you run your own rally without worrying about your competitors.

A second strategy would be to intentionally register after your main competitor so you would know if they've gone off, dropped out, or can't maintain CAS. You can ask at CP's if their car number has already arrived, etc. You can then adjust your strategy accordingly. But I prefer to prioritize by position on the road.

Now, if you're competitive in novice class, you might want to bide your time a bit.... you DON'T want to be first on the road. First car finds all of the deer, and all of the black ice. 3rd to 5th on the road is pretty good seeding. You won't have many slow novices holding you up, you'll have clear tracks in the snow from the previous cars if your Navigator DOES get lost, most of the deer should be scattered, and two to four cars will have found any perilous black ice before you. So watch the confirmed entry list for updates and register accordingly.

If you're NOT competitive in novice class, you might want to wait until there's 30 slots filled before you register. Fewer competitors will be passing you if you can't maintain CAS; mostly only the intermediates and experts. Intermediates and experts also usually have auxiliary lights, so if your lighting is woefully inadequate, let them by and you can actually go faster with confidence using their lighting to show you what is 200m to 300m down the road. Following the cues from their brake lights also can tell you what to expect. But don't think that because THEY can maintain a speed that you can as well.

So that's my tip for how to get "ahead" weeks before the event.

01-17-2011, 10:07 AM
We're signed up.

It will be interesting to see how the TR copes if there's more snow than last year...

01-17-2011, 08:50 PM
ugh, why didnt you post this sooner!!! lol

well, i snail mailed my registration and payment, so fingers crossed other novices will sign up before mine gets there. watch this be the 1 time snail mail is lightning fast. haha

also, all this talk off black ice and offs.....how many offs are typical at this event? how many competitors? Are people really not heading the 3 rules of rally or are the roads just that treacherous?

I mean, i've watched quite a few videos of last years MLWR on youtube and it seems very managable so long as you are really focusing on rule 1. Which is my plan.

01-17-2011, 11:24 PM
You'll be fine, Greg, don't worry. Black ice is rather predictable (braking zones, and the south side of a row of pine trees, for example) and if you're cautious, you won't have any issues.

Cue the annual photo posting....

01-22-2011, 04:21 PM
haha, awesome motivational poster.

My navigator just got a 2008 impreza and we were toying with the idea of using it for this rally instead of my civic.

after seeing that pic, i think we'll take my SiR. haha. I couldnt live with myself if i ditched her new car.

Plus, the civics almost rally ready, terratrip mounted, awaiting an ABS converter. Hellas are almost ready to go.

and you know the field is going to be mostly subies anyways. haha.

01-25-2011, 08:52 PM
But not ALL Subies.

And what is this newfangled "ABS" you speak of??

01-25-2011, 11:04 PM
do you actually do this rally in your TR? I really liked seeing that car at first frost rally 2010, but i just assumed that would be a fluke because of the "good" weather we had still by then.

as for ABS, well im not sure, but i think its something auto manufacturers install on cars so that you have 4 pre-existing wheel speed sensors to pick from for your terrortrip ;)

01-26-2011, 12:54 AM
Yes, we did it last year - the TR is the only rally car we have!

It was a lot of fun - slippery and very entertaining. Rear-wheel drive, small interior, fairly primitive suspension (with not much ground clearance), and an ill-fitting roof with a lot of drafts. It's the only way to go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Based on just over a year's worth of rallying, this is our one MUST DO event.

(Favourite anecdote: Granted it wasn't very snowy on some of the roads last year, but on one long, twisty, gravel section - while keeping exactly on-time - we caught one of the Imprezzas (not SPDA, naturally) who had started the section a whole minute ahead of us. Now THAT was fun...)

Of course, it could all be VERY different this year...

01-26-2011, 08:27 AM
wow, you are a brave one. haha.

you're making me feel silly for having taken a 2 year hiatus from all things rally because i had an rx8. lol

01-26-2011, 10:29 AM
I'd go with the impreza Greg. The added traction will pay off when going uphill, or leaving check points. The first year I ran this was in a FWD dodge avenger, and even with great tires I was not able to keep pace.

Normally, if you're driving within your ability, you don't need to worry much about going off. The frost heaves are the only worry, and those will be the same in any car.

The year that Steve's motivational poster is from was unusually slippery, with a thin layer of snow on top of very icy roads. There were a few offs (including one check point crew that was pushing too hard), but with soft snow banks there wasn't much damage. Steve's car was free of damage from going off.

When you arrive in Bancroft, before heading to the start of rally, be sure to head out to sample some of the back roads. Get a sense of the conditions before the rally starts.

Also, don't forget that you need to do the Odo check before the rally (see the supplimental instructions).

01-26-2011, 09:32 PM
trevor, i hear you completely however im not going to be competing for a win so to speak.

I mean, pace will be whatever i feel comfortable with which im sure will be less than CAS in most cases.

the goal for us this outing is going to be on road and on route as well as not get max lated.

Another reason I'm feeling my car over my navigators impreza is that im completely comfortable in my car. I know how it behaves when the going gets tough.

the impreza on the other hand is totally new to me. i wont know how it reacts under "extreme" situations until they are upon me, and by then...well...its not the right time to be learning that.

consistantly loosing time by not being able to accelerate up the many crests pales in comparison to spending a night in the ditch and the sad look on my navigators face after i ditched her new car. haha

Plus, i finally got my Hellas mounted and wired on my civic. I'd hate to have to rip them off and put them on my friends impreza for one weekend.

thanks for the tip about road sampling. i'll definitly do that after the odo check.

01-28-2011, 08:32 PM
Nowwwwww I see this. Thanks Steve. I guarantee I'm near the top of that entry list. Oh well, I'll have the tow strap on. If you see me in a similar fashion to that WRX in the picture, tows are greatly appreciated. First beer at breakfast is on me :D

02-09-2011, 12:46 AM
Remember, though, that attaching the strap to the back, and tucking it into the trunk doesn't help much if you go in backwards. Better to have it with you in the car.

Green crew has run the course, checked the instructions and they liked what they saw! "The roads were fantastic!! The teams are really going to love it!"

Entry list is up on the MLRC MLWR site - 19 entries as of Feb. 8.

02-11-2011, 12:36 AM
oops.. I guess me and Kyle are leading the pack...

02-11-2011, 12:12 PM
And a couple of links to the latest news...



Please pay special attention to the second one here - it's about the compulsory warning triangles. Make sure you don't forget them!!!

See you up there!

02-11-2011, 01:32 PM
Princess Auto usually has these, get extras as they are cheap and may break or get "lost" after using them. It happens unintentionally.

02-11-2011, 03:14 PM
Napping wrote:
oops.. I guess me and Kyle are leading the pack...

Hey, thanks for that! The deer hunting WRX! ;-)

The Impreza I bought lived most of it's life in the Ottawa region. I just noticed at the car wash the other day that he had one of those deer whistles on the roof rack. After the Rideau rally, I can tell you that it doesn't scare them away at all....