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View Full Version : No Winter Maintenance Road Rally 2011

09-11-2011, 02:05 PM

No Winter Maintenance Rally - October 1st 2011

You need to know: Ontario is blessed with many "No Winter Maintenance" roads that have stunning elevation changes, challenging cambered curves and a lack of residents during winter time. For that reason, many towns don't bother to send snowploughs out to these roads during the winter, and just groom them nicely come spring. These roads are a favourite of drivers for their smooth and fun driving nature and that's why we've strung together some of the best this province has to offer. All of these roads are easily passable by road-going sedans, coupes, minivans, SUV's ... whatever you drive to work can safely do this rally.

What to expect: Why not show you videos of a couple of the roads? To make sure that all of the roads are easily passable by all vehicles, we take a low sports car on bald Toyo track tires and send it out to test the route. If this car can do it, we know you can do it in the minivan. Note how smooth the gravel roads are! This is a perfect weekend drive for a Miata or a Jeep!

<iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ys1k6CcTcVA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="560" height="345" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QDFgMCEqUNA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Where to go: We're hosting this rally out of the Flying Spatula restaurant in Flesherton Ontario, formerly known as the Grey 4 Diner, a short drive northwest of Toronto. 125 Collingwood, Flesherton, Ontario, N0C 1E0. Phone: 519-924-2424. They make a great country breakfast, so come hungry! Google Map: http://g.co/maps/7r2wu (http://g.co/maps/7r2wu)

<iframe width="640" height="480" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=125+Collingwood+Street,+Flesherton,+Ontario+N0C+ 1E0&aq=0&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=58.262255,107.402344&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=125+Collingwood+St,+Flesherton,+Ontario+N0C+ 1E0&t=h&ll=44.268805,-80.542488&spn=0.029501,0.054932&z=14&iwloc=A&output=embed"></iframe><br /><small><a href="http://maps.google.ca/maps?f=q&source=embed&hl=en&geocode=&q=125+Collingwood+Street,+Flesherton,+Ontario+N0C+ 1E0&aq=0&sll=49.891235,-97.15369&sspn=58.262255,107.402344&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=125+Collingwood+St,+Flesherton,+Ontario+N0C+ 1E0&t=h&ll=44.268805,-80.542488&spn=0.029501,0.054932&z=14&iwloc=A" style="color:#0000FF;text-align:left">View Larger Map</a></small>

When to be there: Saturday, October 1st 2011, registration opens at 9:00am, and the first car is off at 11:00am. Don't be later than 10:00am! If you are new to rally, we'll be offering a quick "introduction" to the type of route instructions we'll be giving you beforehand. The novice instructions are oriented toward keeping everyone on route and enjoying the drive. See the bottom of this page for more beginner resources.The rally is approximately 250km long and will be held in two legs with a rest break for a snack. You should be back at The Flying Spatula before 5:00pm.

What do I need: A driver and a navigator, bring your ownership and insurance certificate to registration, a pen and a watch that shows seconds. If you don't own the vehicle, you'll need a letter of permission from the owner granting you permission to use it in our road rally.

Registration: If you register by September 26th, we'll only ask you for $45 which includes a snack during the rest break and stunning trophies if you earn one! We'd like you to register in advance so that we know how many people to expect, but you can just show up the morning of. Registration at the event is $50 per car.

Simple Online Registration form: http://www.oldrallysport.on.ca/orrcentry.html (http://www.oldrallysport.on.ca/orrcentry.html)
Download and submit by Email/Fax: http://www.caslube.com/rally/nwm2011/regform.pdf (http://www.caslube.com/rally/nwm2011/regform.pdf)


More of Last year's Photos courtesy of PointandShoot.ca (http://www.pointandshoot.ca/gallery/first-frost-2010/)

Beginners: You will need to know Tulip Instructions, Giant Tulips, Columnar instructions, and how to find your way on a map that we provide. We may have a different style that will be explained at the meeting before the rally. Find those resources here: http://www.torontoautosportclub.ca/articles/RallyMaster/index.html (http://www.torontoautosportclub.ca/articles/RallyMaster/index.html)

I need more info: Call Stephen at (905)702-0224 or send an Email to steved [at] spda-online [dot] ca

This event is Sanctioned by RallySport Ontario and the Canadian Association of RallySport, and held under the CARS General Competition Rules.

09-18-2011, 12:34 PM

Still no TR and this time no Tim either. Anyone want to drive the Focus Wagon? (You can wear a disguise and do it anonymously!)

Opal, what ya'doin?


09-21-2011, 08:12 PM
I was up working on the route this past weekend, and the leaves were just starting to change color. The route runs through heavily forested areas most of the time, so we may be in for an very scenic rally. All the roads are still in excellent condition.

09-22-2011, 10:24 AM
I've never done this before, and I MIGHT come out. I have what may be a stupid question: how do you "win?"

09-22-2011, 11:29 AM
Snizzoop wrote:
I've never done this before, and I MIGHT come out. I have what may be a stupid question: how do you "win?"

You win by hitting all the checkpoints on time.. Early arrivals or late arrivals get penalized. Plus you must hit all checkpoints and follow the route.

Checkpoints are marked on the cryptic route instructions. So essentially maintain CAS (Course average speed), and stay on the correct route, then arrive on time and leave on time.

Easy eh.. LOL

10-02-2011, 12:09 PM

Thank you very much for joining us on a great day out in Grey County. Grey described the morning skies, but it was a fine afternoon of rallying with some fantastic scenery and even better roads.

This event occurred only due the generosity of the CP working volunteers from many RSO clubs. We were tight on crews, but they pulled it off! Thank you Joe, Laszlo, Christine, Paul, Ted, Opal, Ivano, Ross and Steve!

I think you're all waiting for the results which are here: Results (http://www.caslube.com/rally/nwm2011/nwm2011.htm)

Most importantly, we have another great event coming up for you... Not The President's Prize hosted by PMSC. Find info here: NTPP Flyer (http://home.cogeco.ca/~peter.watt/PP211%20flier.pdf)

For the Sailun Tire deal, check out the attached price list. The 40% off list prices deal is offered to SPDA members and all NWMR participants. To get in on this deal, please email joet [at] spda-online [dot] ca this week.

If you would like to join SPDA at the "rally special" 10th anniversary price of $25 individual, $35 family, please sign up here in the next week. Registration Form (http://spda-online.ca/modules/liaise/index.php?form_id=5)

What SPDA is about: Registration Form (http://spda-online.ca/modules/news/article.php?storyid=2)

No, you don't have to own a Subaru. :-)

We'll have some high-res photos available to you soon, and I'll send another Email out at that time.

Thank you again, and enjoy the drive!

Stephen and Trevor


10-03-2011, 12:53 PM
Thanks to all the volunteers and organizers who spent the beautiful but cold day helping out :)

Quick question: the link included for Sailun Tire Deal:

Comes up with this error message, even though I'm logged in:
You don't have the right to access this forum.

If the page does not automatically reload, please click here

I'm just now registering as SPDA member [haven't been in years], so will that re-enable access to the link?

10-03-2011, 01:51 PM
You should be good now Nikola. Please try again.

10-03-2011, 10:04 PM
Hi Nikola,

Check this link, it's the same one posted in the forum: http://casc.on.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=23459

Hope this helps.