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01-19-2012, 12:14 AM
As always, I am thinking about getting a better datalogger for the next season.

GPS based
In car display of lap times
OBD2 functionality (for logging of all that stuff)

Video would be cool but not necessary.

Any favorites out there? The VBOX/Driftbox seems popular and useful, and very portable.

01-19-2012, 11:48 AM
Call and ask for Pete Mills and say hi from me.

85 Glen Cameron
Thornhill, ON L3T 1N8
Tel. 905-731-0700

Email: info@sportscarboutique.com
Web: www.sportscarboutique.com

01-21-2012, 02:17 AM
Performance Box/Drift Box/Vbox are great. The last few years my top recomendations as the best value has been the Performance Box.

But new for 2012 AIM has released entry level units with outstanding features that's significatly better then anything else under $1000. AIM has been making uber expensive and top quality data aquisition systems for professional motorsports for many years.

AIM SOLO DL $769 CDN (with CAN/OBDII interface)

I saw them at a motorsports data aquisition presentation by Andrew W. from Auto Analyser and I was very impressed.




01-22-2012, 11:59 AM
I went to the same presentation as G, and I have to agree. They are working on a new software update to produce a chromatic graph of understeer/oversteer that could help a lot of people with suspension tuning. I would definitely look into the AIM units in todays market. The DL would be my choice to get AFR, TPS and Timing data out of the ECU. I wonder if the EBFD system reads system pressure somewhere? That would be neat, too.

02-11-2012, 04:57 PM
If I had an iphone it looks like I could use something like this: http://www.gps-laptimer.de/Video.html

OBD2, video, GPS.....cheap...if I had the phone anyway.

02-16-2012, 10:02 PM
Google Android all the way!

Accepts external bluetooth wireless OBDII/CAN and 5 or 10HZ GPS devices.

aLap RecorderHD

http://adyno.net/ (http://adyno.net/)

02-17-2012, 09:24 AM
That looks pretty good G. I was thinking of picking up a Galaxy Nexus this month, too bad it doesn't have a SD slot. I imagine it would be pretty easy to fill up the memory. (please no wise cracks about my lap times!)

02-20-2012, 10:02 PM
I bought trackmaster for my android last year. I havent done any real analysis on it. I mostly just used it for rough lap times. But I do plan on getting a Bluetooth GPS this year and seeing how it goes.

02-21-2012, 12:09 AM
Sounds like I need a real phone.

What a I definitely need is something that gives me real time lap times. Pushing harder without knowing if it makes the car go faster is risky...