The SPDA Motorsport club is a non-profit organization that is composed of a group of automotive enthusiasts who wish to further their goals of competing in and organizing motorsport activities. The club’s roots were formed as a group of Subaru enthusiasts united to form the Subaru Performance Driver’s Association, in 2006 became and diversified to all automotive enthusiasts. This association is comprised of members from many cities in Ontario, other provinces and even countries. Club members compete under the SPDA banner at various race events, Solosprints (time trial), Autoslalom (AutoX), track lapping day, sanctioned drag meets, rallies and rallycross.
It's all About Fun, It's all About Friends.
SPDA is all about friends. Members help one another from co-driving at the track, instructing each other and offering suggestions to improve lap times, to tech nights where we all get together to help each other install performance parts or just tune and maintain our cars. This is the core to our success, the SPDA family.
SPDA Core Values
As a team we “Grow”
As a team we “Mentor”
As a team we “Win”
As a team we “Foster Fun”
As individuals we “Respect”...
Mission Statement
To provide a fun and exciting forum for sharing information and ideas, promoting enthusiasm and uniqueness through competitive events, web forums and meets with friends who share the same passion, we’re focused on maximizing the performance of our cars through better driver training, increased driver skills and real performance oriented modifications.
All are welcome.
The objective of SPDA is:
* To encourage, organize and promote a safe competitive environment for amateur motorsport events.
* To encourage and foster the spirit of unity and sportsmanship among its members.
* To promote interest in Subaru cars.
* To promote and maintain high mechanical standards of members' motor vehicles.
* To educate and enlighten the public regarding the Club's objectives and solicit their support of amateur motorsports events.
Executive Code of Conduct:
As an executive of the SPDA I will;
* Always act in a professional way at all club functions, activities, and forums
* Lead by example
* Be neutral when educating newcomers to the forums
* Be professional with the use of language when moderating / participating in the forums
* Be professional when conducting Club business with sponsors
* Be professional when representing the club at any function outside the regular SPDA events
* Maintain the highest level of integrity
* Refrain from public humiliation of members and guests
* Always explain why a post or a thread is deleted
* Not post any lewd or graphic language in any forum
* Not engage in the sharing of pornographic materials from any SPDA asset including forums
* Not engage in any illegal activities
* Always be polite to other members of the executive and the general membership
* Never be condescending to any of the executive and general membership
* Never misrepresent myself
* Always consult the other executive with regards to carrying out major changes
* Always insist on a quorum prior to making any major decisions (executive)
Members Code of Conduct:
* Refrain from use of improper or foul language in forum talk
* Any posting of illegal or questionable activities is strictly prohibited.
* Any posting of illegal or questionable or degrading material is strictly prohibited
* Refrain from any comments made directly or indirectly to another member which is degrading, prejudiced or rude.
* Refrain from any discussion of such illegal activities or materials at any club organized meet or event.
* Not to misrepresent themselves as an executive member of SPDA for any reason.
* To represent themselves as a professional and courteous club member at any meet or event.
* To welcome any new member as a friend
* Not to discriminate any member for any cause, be it religion, ethnicity, sex, financial status or any like or dislikes
* To be respectful of others opinions
* Not to use any information of any member or the club itself for financial gain.
* To respect the property of other members and the club.
* To report any activity that is breaching the code of conduct to a member of the executive committee
* Not to exploit or in any way put down the club or any member.
* To treat others in a fair manner and with respect
* Not to abuse or misuse any item that belongs to or directly represents the club, be it sticker or pylon
* To wear club items proudly, and to represent themselves in a respectful manner while carrying/displaying the name
* To treat any associating company or club with the same rules and respect used in our club.
* To respect the property that has been provided for our use by any associating club or company
* To obey any and all laws set forth by the Canadian Government while representing themselves as a club member
Membership Terms & Condition's
All member accounts / registrations are screened and approved by a member of the club committee before the user is granted posting rights and membership. The committee reserves the right to refuse or revoke membership, any infractions or violations of the code of conduct can result in expulsion from the SPDA. Constitution:
1. Name
This club shall be known as the "" which can be abbreviated to "SPDA"
2. Objectives and Purpose
The objective and purpose of this club shall be:
1. To encourage, organize and promote a safe competitive environment for amateur motorsport events.
2. To encourage and foster the spirit of unity and sportsmanship among its members.
3. To promote interest in Subaru cars.
4. To promote and maintain high mechanical standards of members' motor vehicles.
5. To educate and enlighten the public regarding the Club's objectives and solicit their support of amateur motorsports events.
3. Membership
3.1. Full membership is open to any person of good character as defined by the core values and code of conduct, with historical conduct inline with the code of conduct and core values, who is fully acquainted with, and agrees with the objectives of the club. A full member in good standing shall have full voting privileges and may hold any office in the club, except for Treasurer which requires co-founder status. Full membership includes a membership in SPDA, access to Interactive Forums, and participation in Club events.
3.2. Family membership is open for up to four who reside at the same address as the full member. Such person must be of good character, fully acquainted with and agree with the objectives of the club.
3.3. Honorary membership may be awarded, at the discretion of the executive committee, to any person who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of the club. An honorary member may attend and speak at meetings but may not move resolutions or vote.
3.4. Complimentary memberships maybe awarded at the discretion of the executives.
4. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the club shall be from the 1st of January to the 31st of December.
5. Board of Directors
The Board of Directors shall consist of:
* President - Joe Trinidad
* Vice President - Malcolm Victor
* Treasurer - Ivano DiPietro
* Secretary - Laszlo Toth
* Registrars – Malcolm Victor
* Social Director -Melanie Lim
* Social Media - Samuel Sousa
* Marketing Director - Joe Trinidad
* Driver Training Director - Scott Murfin
* Technology Directors - Michael Victor
* Competition Ambassador (Autoslalom) - Daniel Fryer
* Competition Ambassador (Ontario Time Attack) - Scott Murfin
* Competition Ambassador (Rally) – Trevor Hancher
* Competition Ambassador (Race) – Scott Murfin
Permanent Positions:
Co-Founders: Tony Kloosterman, Joe Trinidad, Peter Lejbjuk, Ivano Di Pietro, Stephen Deneka, Trevor Hancher
5. Length of Terms
5.1. President, Secretary and Competition Ambassadors
The President, Secretary and Competition Ambassadors shall be elected to serve for a period of two years starting in the odd calendar year.
5.2. Vice President, Treasurer, Marketing Director and Social Director
The Vice President, Treasurer and Social Director shall be elected to serve for a period of two years starting in the even calendar year.
6. Officers
In addition to the Board of Directors, the Directors may appoint other members to various other positions. These officers will be responsible for the duties assigned to them but will not have full Board of Directors privileges.
7. Amendments
Amendments to the constitution may be debated and voted on at any regular meeting, provided that notice of the subject and intent on the amendment is submitted orally or in writing at the previous regular meeting. Amendments will require a two-thirds majority vote of the quorum. By-Laws
8. Duties of the Directors
8.1. President
The President will preside at all regular, annual and committee meetings and conduct them in accordance with parliamentary authority named in Article 10 of the by-laws. The President shall sign all official documents and countersign all cheques. The President, as Chief Executive Officer, shall supervise the club's affairs and activities.
8.2. Vice President
The Vice President shall assume all of the responsibilities of the President, in the absence of the President. The Vice President shall be responsible for the promotion and maintenance of membership.
8.3. Secretary
The Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings and shall keep the records in accordance with the parliamentary authority named in Article 6 of the by-laws. The Secretary shall prepare the minutes for distribution as required.
8.4. Treasurer
The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection of membership dues and other income, and for keeping all financial books and records. The Treasurer shall disburse funds at the direction of the Board of Directors and sign all cheques.
8.5. Marketing Director
The Marketing Director shall be responsible for increasing the club's exposure to potential members, sponsors, media and the general motorsport community as well as ensuring that SPDA maintains a positive public image.
8.6. Competition Ambassadors
The Competition Ambassadors shall be responsible for organizing all SPDA competition events and keeping a record of all competition points and standings. These shall be published on the SPDA web site and mailing list. The Ambassador may recruit committee members as necessary, and shall be responsible for each event's compliance with current club rules and regulations.
7. Social Director
The Social Directors shall be responsible for coordinating club activities related to social events like picnics, BBQs, cruises, attendance to motor shows, etc.
9. Membership
9.1. Applications
Applications for membership shall be submitted to the Vice President, who shall be satisfied that the applicant meets the requirements for membership as stipulated in Article 3 of the Constitution.
9.2. Expulsions
Upon complaint as to the conduct of any member, which is, in the opinion of the Board of Directors, likely to reflect unfavourably upon the club, such member may be expelled by a two-thirds majority vote of the Board of Directors. Such member shall have the right to speak on his/her behalf. All complaints must be forwarded in writing to the Board of Directors. If a member is expelled, their paid dues will not be refunded.
9.3. Liability of Members
No member or Director shall be personally liable for any bills or obligations incurred by the club other than his/her membership dues.
9.4. Dues
9.4.1. Announcement
A schedule of membership dues for the upcoming year will be determined by the Board of Directors, and presented to the membership at the November regular meeting. Membership at this time is free.
9.4.2. Determination
The annual dues shall be based on the levies and the requirements of club expenses.
9.4.3. Payment
Perspective members will be granted membership only upon receipt of full payment of the Club dues. Membership renewal dues for the ensuing year must be received no later than January 15th of that year otherwise the privileges outlined in the Constitution will be automatically suspended. New members joining after August 31st will be entitled to a membership for the remainder of that year, and the full following year.
9.4.4. Waiver
Honorary members will not be required to pay dues, but while actively engaging in the sport shall pay their own levies.
10. Meetings
10.1. General Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held as appropriate in a way to provide value to the members. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of 60% of the total membership in attendance.
10.2. Directors Meetings
Meetings of the Board of Directors shall be held six (6) times per year. Further meetings may be held at the discretion of the President. A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of four (4) members of the Board of Directors.
10.3. Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees and for any other business that may arise.
11. Election of Directors
11.1. Quorum
For the purposes of elections, a quorum shall consist of 60% of the total membership in attendance at the voting meeting.
11. 2. List of Candidates
Any member who intends to run for a position on the Board of Directors shall make their intentions known to the general membership before the elections at the Annual General Meeting.
11.3. Nominations
Nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual General Meeting for any of the Board of Directors positions, providing the nominee consents.
11.4. Elections
Votes shall be cast by show of hands. Any person in attendance at the Annual General Meeting may act as a scrutineer to count the number of votes and report the results back to the Board of Directors.
11.5. Vacancies
In the event of a vacancy occurring in the Board of Directors during the fiscal year, the Board of Directors will appoint another member to fill such vacancy.
12. Appropriation of Funds
12.1. Expenditures
The Board of Directors will be responsible for the expenditures of all funds required for the normal operation of the club.
12.2. Member Expenses
People attending out of town meetings on behalf of the club are eligible to have some of their expenses paid for by the Club. The amount and natures of the expenses is to be pre-approved by the Board of Directors.
13 Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in "Roberts Rules of Order" shall govern the club in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the By-laws or the special rules of order of this club.
14. Amendments
Amendments to the by-laws may be debated and voted on at any regular meeting, provided that notice of the subject and intent on the amendment is submitted orally or in writing at the previous regular meeting. Amendments will require a two-thirds majority vote of the quorum.