Here's a hint of the course design dynamics, we have some of the best course designers in this sport. The task that they've been given is to design a course to re-capture / capture the adrenaline, nervousness they first had when they first started.

As competitors and adrenaline junkies, we all remember the first time we entered a timed "legal" motorsports event. The feeling you get when waiting at the line anticipating the flag drop so you can do what it is that drive you.

It's all about the butterflies, the euphoria, the anticipation that leads up to the session, then it's about the leg shaking and breathlessness after completing the run.

The run is relegated to being the catalyst to the adrenaline, secondary only to the emotional explosion that's felt before and after, because you've rehearsed the run over and over in your head prior to executing, that it became 2nd nature.

This year, it's 2 full days of high octane adrenaline on a course that's going to be over 2.4Km long.

Over the next couple of days, I'll be calling a few motels to see if we can get some preferred rates at some places, then we'll post the details here.

Here's to the Ultimate Rumble at the Strip, see you there!